Green readings for Sant Jordi

Once again this year, we bring you a compilation of books that will not only fill your bookshelf but also feed your environmental conscience

In a world that calls for decisive action in the face of environmental challenges, it is important to raise awareness and highlight works that inspire reflection.

We hope you enjoy this literary journey as well as this Sant Jordi 2024, so that it will be not only a cultural celebration but also a celebration of commitment to our planet.

Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet , by Hannah Ritchie

A book that transforms the way we see our environmental problems and, above all, explains how we can solve them. From the data analysis, it shows how far we have come in solving these problems and how we could be on our way to achieving true sustainability for the first time in human history.

Hannah Ritchie is a data researcher and deputy editor at Our World in Data.

Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet









Energies renovables. Immersió ràpida, by Manel Torrent

An essential book to understand the fundamentals, potentials and challenges of energy, especially its renewable (and reasonable) sources”, explains Narcís Armengol on the back cover, CEO of Wattega and Dean of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia. Easy to read and understand, it provides a general understanding of the key technologies of the energy transition, with their possible limits, challenges and combinations.

Manel Torrent is technical director of the Barcelona Energy Agency. He has been Director of ICAEN and General Director of Energy of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Energies Renovables: Una immersió ràpida (Tapa blanda con solapas)








Trenes d’herba dolça. Saviesa indígena, coneixement de la natura i ensenyaments de les plantes, by Robin Wall Kimmerer

The book argues that the awakening of a broader ecological consciousness requires the recognition and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world. For it is only when we can hear the tongues of other beings that we are able to understand the generosity of the earth, and learn to give our gifts in return. New York Times and Washington Post bestseller and one of the top ten essays of the decade according to Literary Hub.

Robin Wall Kimmerer is a scientist, a renowned university professor and an active member of the Potawatomi Citizens Nation.

Trenes d'herba dolça de Robin Wall Kimmerer | Ona Llibres








Energy Fakes. Mitos y bulos sobre la transición energética, by Pedro Fresco

In a world in a climate emergency, lies and myths about energy are a major brake on sustainable progress. When this issue has finally reached the center of public debate and the political agenda, it is more necessary than ever to clarify concepts and unmask tendentious fabrications of the groups that are holding back the ecological transition. In an entertaining and informative tone, with rigor and data, the book undoes and clarifies 32 widely spread false myths about the energy sector.

Pedro Fresno is a communicator on energy and energy transition. Current Director ofAVAESEN, has been General Director of Ecological Transition of the Generalitat Valenciana.

Energy fakes: Mitos y bulos sobre la transición energética: 23 (Barlin Paisaje)


Manual para dar la turra sobre la crisis climática, by Carmen Huidobro i Belén Hinojar

This is not a book with the solutions to end the climate crisis. This is a book to have arguments to discuss the climate crisis with a bit of science and, also, a bit of irony. Because, to get someone to listen, it’s important to communicate it well. And yet climate change has had the worst marketing campaign in history. This book does its bit to change this situation.

Carmen Hidrobro and Belén Hinojar are climate communicators and social media influencers such asClimabar.

Libro: Manual para dar la turra sobre la crisis climática - 9788466669566 - Hinojar, Belén - Huidobro, Carmen - · Marcial Pons Librero








Saving Ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action, Dana R. Fisher

Is there any hope of achieving the systemic change we need in the face of the climate crisis?

Dana R. Fisher argues that the most realistic path to climate action is mass mobilization. Fisher examines the radical flank of the climate movement: its emergence and growth, the use of direct action, and how it might evolve as the climate crisis worsens. With cautious optimism, Saving Ourselves offers timely insight into how social movements can open windows of opportunity for transformative climate action.

Dana R. Fisher is the director of the Center for Environment, Community and Equity and a professor in the School of International Service at American University.

Saving Ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action (Society and the Environment)


Fitòpolis. La ciutat viva, by Stefano Mancuso

Humanity lives increasingly concentrated in cities. Our urban success requires a continuous and exponentially increasing flow of resources and energy, which, however, are not unlimited. That is why it has become vital to return nature to our habitat. The book proposes that the cities of the future should be transformed into phytopolis, places where the relationship between plants and animals is close to the harmonious relationship found in nature. Nothing is more important than that for the future of humanity.

Stefano Mancuso is one of the world’s leading authorities in the field of plant neurobiology. Professor at the University of Florence, he directs the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology.



Criminales climáticos: Las multinacionales que arrasan el planeta, by Mickaël Correia

One hundred companies are responsible for 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Unknown to the general public, oil, gas and coal multinationals deploy a whole arsenal of strategies – corruption, neocolonialism, lobbying, greenwashing, soft power, etc. – to perpetuate our addiction to fossil fuels. This book identifies the real culprits of climate chaos and demonstrates the urgency of taking action once and for all.

Mickaël Correia is a French journalist specializing in climate issues and social movements.

Criminales climáticos


Por culpa de una flor”, by María Medem

It is impossible to define this work through a clear storyline. It is rather a sensory experience, which mixes the author’s narrative and graphic proposal with her own emotions through luminous pages in a totally dreamlike style.

It tells the story of the protagonist’s desire to preserve the last precious thing she has left in an uninhabited wasteland: the last flower, which reminds her of better times. The comic speaks about values, one’s own identity, but also about respect for nature and the beings that inhabit it.

María Medem is a comic book author and illustrator. In 2018 she won the award for best newcomer author at the 37th Barcelona Comic Fair and the ACDComic critics’ award for best emerging author.

Zenda recomienda: Por culpa de una flor, de María Medem - Zenda


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