Monitoring plan, definition and calculation of indicators for the LIFE eCOadapt50 project

  • Client: Diputació de Barcelona
  • Place: Barcelona
  • Time Period: 2023-2024

Drafting of the monitoring and evaluation plan, preparation of the perception barometer and calculation of indicators


The LIFE eCOadapt50 project, co-financed by the European Union, is coordinated by the Diputació de Barcelona and involves 25 public and private partners. It is focused on the co-creation of a strategic action for the adaptation to climate change of the territories and the local economy in 19 areas of Catalonia.

With the involvement of the social and economic agents of the territories and local administrations, and with a budget of 18.6 million euros, from 2023 to 2030, Life eCOadapt50 plans to implement more than 76 actions in four economic activities particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change – agriculture, forestry, fishing and tourism – and in 19 areas of Catalonia, representing 60% of the Catalan surface area (nearly 19,400 km2) and more than 10% of its population (more than 900,000 inhabitants).


ERF has carried out the tasks for the elaboration of the Monitoring and evaluation plan, the Perception Barometer (survey addressed to the agents of the territory participating in the project to evaluate the knowledge, interest and degree of sensitivity to adopt CC adaptation strategies), as well as the definition and calculation of the indicators of adaptation to climate change and the socioeconomic impact of the project.

These monitoring structures have been worked on jointly with the Climate Action and Energy Transition Area of the Diputació de Barcelona and the main project partners, to ensure that the documents are useful for assessing the project’s evolution.

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