Calculation of INCASÒL's Carbon Footprint

  • Client: Catalan Land Institute (INCASÒL)
  • Place: Barcelona
  • Time period: 2022 - 2023

Methodological improvement of the greenhouse gas inventory and approach to decarbonization strategy


The Institut Català del Sòl, aware of the impact generated by its activity, is firmly committed to reducing its GHG emissions, both direct and indirect. In 2021, INCASÒL joined the Voluntary Agreements Program for the reduction of GHG emissions of the Catalan Office of Climate Change (OCCC). Since 2021, it has been calculating its footprint in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 14064-1:2019 standard.

For the 2022 inventory, with the technical support of ERF, methodological improvements have been implemented to address the complexity of the calculation in order to progressively obtain a more accurate and solid result of the INCASÒL carbon footprint.


The resulting inventory complies with the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 14064-1:2019 standard, on which the Voluntary Agreements Program of the Catalan Office of Climate Change is based.

Among the most relevant methodological improvements is the obtaining of emission factors for construction projects, based on the analysis of projects using the TCQ-GMA tool.

The analysis of INCASÒL’s footprint has made it possible to obtain specific KPI monitoring indicators, which make it possible to evaluate the evolution of the impact of the activity beyond the absolute value of the footprint.

On the other hand, a proposal for medium-term GHG emission reduction targets has been drawn up that address different lines of action, such as the sustainability of the housing stock, urbanizations and rehabilitations; the efficient management of INCASÒL buildings and the efficient management of travel.

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